Pinterest for Holistic Healthcare

As a holistic healthcare business, you understand the importance of promoting a healthy lifestyle to your clients. But have you considered the impact that marketing on Pinterest can have on your business? In 2023, Pinterest has become one of the most effective marketing tools for businesses in the health and wellness industry. Pinterest is crucial for your marketing strategy and how six months of consistent use can grow your business and get your business in front of new eyes.

Holistic healthcare can include anything from Naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, Herbal Medicine, Yoga Instructors, therapists, Counselors and even Green Living Boutiques. If you consider your business natural or holistic, then Pinterest is an amazing tool to reach new audiences for your business.

First and foremost, Pinterest is a visual search engine that operates differently from other social media platforms. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, Pinterest is a platform where users search for ideas, inspiration, and products. With over 400 million active users, Pinterest is the third-largest social media platform in the United States, following Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, the majority of Pinterest users are women, with 77% of users being female. If your target audience includes women, Pinterest is an excellent platform to reach them.

Pinterest is also an excellent tool for driving traffic to your website. You can create pins with links to your website, making it easy for users to access your content. Pins can also include images, videos, and descriptions that showcase your services and expertise. By creating high-quality pins that link back to your website, you can increase your website traffic and grow your online presence.

Another unique feature of Pinterest is its longevity. Unlike other social media platforms where content can quickly disappear from users’ feeds, Pinterest content can be relevant for years. Pins can be saved and repinned, meaning your content can continue to reach new users long after it was initially posted. This longevity makes Pinterest an ideal platform for showcasing your services and building brand awareness. There are pins that I created in 2020 that are still getting a TON of traction to my website in 2023. This is the BEST platform for longevity of content. 

With consistent use, Pinterest can have a significant impact on your business’s growth potential. In just six months, you can grow your following, increase website traffic, and generate leads. It’s potential to build your email list and expand your other social media following is also amazing! By regularly creating high-quality pins that showcase your services and expertise, you can establish yourself as an authority in the holistic healthcare industry. This can help build trust with potential clients and make them more likely to choose your services over competitors.

So, how can you make the most of Pinterest to grow your business? Here are some tips:

  1. Optimize your profile: Your profile is the first thing users will see when they visit your Pinterest page. Make sure it accurately represents your brand and includes a description that clearly explains your services. You should also include a link to your website. Most important part? Use keywords! 
  2. Create high-quality pins: Your pins should be visually appealing and include a description that accurately describes the content. Make sure your pins are relevant to your target audience and showcase your expertise. Our team uses Canva to create high quality on brand pins for you for each of your services and blog. You can also upload videos to Pinterest. 
  3. Use keywords: Just like with any other search engine, Pinterest uses keywords to help users find content. Make sure you include relevant keywords in your pins and profile description.
  4. Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to growing your Pinterest presence. Make sure you are regularly posting new pins and engaging with your audience.
  5. Utilize group boards: Group boards are a great way to reach a wider audience on Pinterest. Look for group boards in your niche and request to join them.

At Greater Heights Services, we understand the importance of utilizing Pinterest as a marketing tool for holistic healthcare workers. Our team of experts can help you create a Pinterest strategy that will help you grow your business and reach your target audience. We can assist you in optimizing your profile, creating high-quality pins, and engaging with your audience to build your online presence. With our help, you can take advantage of Pinterest’s growth potential and reach new clients.

Pinterest is a valuable marketing tool for holistic healthcare  businesses. With its unique features, Pinterest can help you reach a wider audience, drive traffic to your website, which ultimately will increase your sales, and the impact that you can have on the people needing your holistic health help. 

To work with us, email me at kendallshue@greaterheightsmarketing or schedule a discovery call with me! 



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