10 Reasons to Include Video in Your Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy

Video… it’s the thing that you KNOW you need for your business and Social Media Strategy, but you just don’t want to. Maybe you’re camera shy, or maybe you just don’t see the point! 

But video? It’s here to stay! Especially short form video. 

Here are the top 10 reasons to include video in your social media marketing strategy: 

  1. Increased engagement: Videos tend to receive more engagement than other types of content on social media.
  2. Higher click-through rates: Videos can increase click-through rates on social media, leading to more website traffic.
  3. Greater reach: Videos can be shared and viewed by more people, increasing the reach of your content.
  4. Higher retention rates: Videos are more likely to be watched to completion than other types of content, which can lead to higher retention rates.
  5. Greater emotional impact: Videos can evoke emotions and create a deeper connection with viewers.
  6. Increased brand awareness: Videos can be used to promote your brand and increase awareness of your products or services.
  7. Improved SEO: Videos can improve your search engine optimization, making it easier for people to find your content.
  8. Increased conversion rates: Videos can be used to promote products or services, leading to increased conversion rates.
  9. Cost-effective: Videos can be produced at a relatively low cost compared to other forms of advertising.
  10. Versatility: Videos can be used across various social media platforms and can be repurposed for different marketing campaigns.
Social Media Strategy

Want help creating your videos for social media campaign?

Let’s chat! We offer FULL video services and we would LOVE to help you come up with a strategy that helps you grow your business and achieve your goals. 


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